If you’re looking for a beautiful lush lawn this spring, we recommend starting now. It’s the core reason fall lawn care is so important to success. By following these tips you’ll be working less in the spring and you’ll be getting more of the green lawn you’ve worked toward.
Step 1: Mower height
You will want to raise up your mower so when you are cutting you only cut about the top 1/3rd of the grass blades. This will help keep the ground shaded and that means you can reduce how often you water the lawn. You want to have a nice, warm blanket on the lawn for the winter, so shade and length are two things to look for.
Step 2: Use less water
With slower growth in the cooler months, you can cut back on how often you water your lawn.
Step 3: Mowing less often
This goes hand in hand with less water. Cooler weather means less water and less mowing. Both of which means less work for you! Score!
Steps 4 & 5: Fertilizer and re-seeding
These two really go together; you want to apply both to areas that are dead, sunburnt or weaker than the rest of the lawn. Generally, you want to apply fertilizer in the early fall/late summer. Then again in the late fall, you will want to apply a dormant fertilizer which will slowly release nitrogen over the winter months.
Step 6: Insects
While insects may creep you out, many serve a purpose when it comes to your lawn. Not so much when they are wreaking havoc on your lawn! Keeping track of them and addressing areas that are damaged is an important part of your fall lawn care strategy.
Step 7: Aerating
Your lawn will become compacted naturally and as you use it, so you will need to aerate. This helps water and fertilizer reach the roots.
Step 8: Winterizing
You will want to winterize all of your equipment, mowers, trimmers, as well as your hand tools and make sure everything is properly sharpened. Also, you will want to winterize your irrigation system, if you have one, as well as draining and storing any hoses.
This simple 8-step fall lawn care strategy will have you ready for the coming winter season and have your lawn prepared for the spring.
If this all sounds overwhelming, don’t stress. Contact us and we’d be more than happy to show you how we can implement a professional lawn care strategy to push the landscape of your dreams within reach.